Saturday, March 30, 2013

This here is a poem I wrote about wut to expect In Gothic Lit (shortened word for Literature)...

Ya know when yer wif is naggin ya to do stuff,

“Take out the trash, trim the hedges, clean the gutters!

or I aint makin your hotcakes with butter!”

Be careful brother

She might have a haunting drivin’ her to the edge faster than the Duke’s General Lee.

That is a distinguishin’ feature of Gothic Literature

Just like every good ole’ country band needs a fittle and the lead singer carries a Buck Knife,  

In most Gothic Literature, there is gonna be one helluva crazy wife

There are a ton more of these “distinguishing features” in Gothic Lit

Some keep on keepin on with this blog for a bit

Y’all won’t be disappointed....  

Kick the tires and light some fires,
Sean Prnce