Saturday, March 30, 2013

This here is a poem I wrote about wut to expect In Gothic Lit (shortened word for Literature)...

Ya know when yer wif is naggin ya to do stuff,

“Take out the trash, trim the hedges, clean the gutters!

or I aint makin your hotcakes with butter!”

Be careful brother

She might have a haunting drivin’ her to the edge faster than the Duke’s General Lee.

That is a distinguishin’ feature of Gothic Literature

Just like every good ole’ country band needs a fittle and the lead singer carries a Buck Knife,  

In most Gothic Literature, there is gonna be one helluva crazy wife

There are a ton more of these “distinguishing features” in Gothic Lit

Some keep on keepin on with this blog for a bit

Y’all won’t be disappointed....  

Kick the tires and light some fires,
Sean Prnce


  1. Hi Sean!

    After reading your bio and this poem, you definitely made me laugh. I love how you're writing not only from a "redneck" perspective, but also doing the actual writing in the dialogue that rednecks oftentimes use.

    One of my questions is this - why did you choose to write your poem/first post about the Gothic lit. characteristic of crazy women? Did you write it because you feel that this is one of the most important characteristics? Maybe at the end of the post, you could draw from some of the texts we have read and describe what makes each female character "crazy" and why you think this is an important feature of Gothic literature. I am definitely interested to see how you would write that in redneck dialogue! Let me know your thoughts.

  2. Hello! I agree with Samantha! I thought your poem was funny and like the dialect. It seems you have some interest in the crazy gals from the Gothic lit. genre. Maybe one of your posts could be focused completely on a female character(s) of one of the stories! That'd be interesting! I think the idea of your blog is great and will be looking out for more redneck gothic lit analysis!

  3. The redneck thing definitely works for you, Sean !

    The rhyme scheme and the country references are nicely done here.

    The thing that I can't get over that I think ads a lot of charm and personality to your blog are your end quotes. "Kick the tires and light fire." Those are a solid way to close out your posts keep up with that.

    I look forward to see what else you come up with!

  4. Sorry for the delay everyone, but thank you for your words and feedback. I am definitely going to dedicate an entire post to "crazy women" in Gothic Lit. I will also keep up with the end quotes, I have a couple more I could use. Thanks again!
    -Sean Prince
