Welcome Ya'll

Howdy and Welcome

I know wut ya'll are thinkin', "Sean, why in the hell would we wanna get learned about yer fancy Gothic literature?... Sounds like a buncha bunk."... B'fore ya go any further, I'm gonna stop ya right dere brother.  Wut ya'll don't know is that ya'll have a lot in common wit dese stories.  I promise.  Ya know how evry good country song is about some sorta heart break?...We got tons of that in Gothic Literature.  And ya know that creepy barn off of Alford road that erybody is scared to go inta... Well there are a ton of houses, hotels, and schools just like-at in Gothic Literature.  These stories are purrty derned similar to us rednecks.  I'll be able to tell ya a buncha my own personal encounters that are similar to these tales that I'm talkin' 'bout.  And I'll let yall be the judge on how similar us rednecks are to the poor souls in these spooky stories.

Choot em long, Choot em straight,
 Sean Prince

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